Copy My Style
By : Saykoji
you copy my style you copy my rhyme
then you blocked me on myspace? its fine
you steal but you cant even spit it right
its my mind and my skills you tryna bite
see i know some people just dont like me
but i never knew anybody would bite me
make lirik persis cuman diubah dikit
some words were changed but the rest he keep it
mungkin lo suka lirik yang gue ciptakan
tapi kalo begini namanya salah tindakan
kenapa harus blok gue dari myspace
is this your mockery on my face?
see i'm a christian, i aint mad at ya
i dont make this track, gettin back at ya
but i need to know, kenapa lo lakukan
why you blocked me apa yang lo takutkan
tahukah kau kalau mencuri itu berdosa
tahukah kau kalau nulis lirik itu susah
tahukah kau kalau biting berarti malas
tahukah kau kalau dosa tuhan yang membalas
its the s a y k o j i
they know my name man are you high?
i'm flattered to know you used my lyric
but at least let me know man let me hear it
lirik gue diucapkan asal asalan
kaya sopir metro nyetir ugal ugalan
di satu jalan maunya jalan potong
so i made this song karena terdorong
udah lama nggak buat lagu berbalesan
bukan mau ngediss elo yang jadi alesan
joe farizal, i believe in you
that you can make your own songs too
tahukah kau kalau lo bikin gue ngetop
tahukah kau kalau reputasi elo ngedrop
keputusan yang kau pilih begitu menentukan
apakah kesuksesan atau gagal kau temukan
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Laskar Kristus
By : Saykoji
Saya bukan pasukan berjalan berjalan,
pasukan berkuda, pasukan menembak
Saya tidak menembaki musuh,
tapi saya Laskar Kristus
Akulah bagian dari satu pasukan,
tapi perang fisik tidak kulakukan
Ku tak berseragam kamuflase,
atau dar der dor.. sudah basi
Diriku berperisaikan iman,
diriku bersenjatakan firman
Diriku bersemangat menggelega,
diriku tetap berdiri tegar
Diriku disini bukan angkatan bersenjata,
menembaki musuh dengan raga
Berbaju dinas untuk berperang dan siap untuk menyerang
Tapi ku melangkah di jalan Tuhan,
kan kutepis semua keresahan
Menjauhkan diri dari kegelapan,
mencoba untuk tetap melangkah
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I'm Your Angel
By : Celine Dion/R. Kelly
No Mountains too high, for you to climb
All you have to do is have some climbing faith, oh yeah
No rivers too wide, for you to make it across
All you have to do is believe it when you pray
And then you will see, the morning will come
And everyday will be bright as the sun
All of your fears cast them on me
I just want you to see...
I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel
I saw the teardrops, and I heard you cry
All you need is time, seek me and you shall find
You have everything and you're still lonely
It doesn't have to be this way, let me show you a better day
And then you will see, the morning will come
And all of your days will be bright as the sun
So all of your fears, just cast them on me
How can I make you see...
I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel
And when it's time to face the storm
I'll be right by your side
Grace will keep up safe and warm
And I know we will survive
And when it seems as if your end is drawing near
Don't you dare give up the fight
Just put your trust beyond the sky...
I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel
I'll be your cloud up in the sky
I'll be your shoulder when you cry
I'll hear your voices when you call me
I am your angel
And when all hope is gone, I'm here
No matter how far you are, I'm near
It makes no difference who you are
I am your angel
I'm your angel
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